Saturday, March 17, 2012

Seems like more time has passed

What a good week! So I was suddenly ok with almost everything on Monday. This is admittedly due to the focus on the meetings at work. All our VPs and higher than me folk were in town. I know that I messed stuff up last week and that is all that anyone remembers this week, ugh. So Monday and part of Tuesday were basically complaints about what I should do differently. Part of me didn't really care and was willing to agree/placate them on every dumb issue. Then there were some total BS issues from the sales douchebags. Made me mad and I got some fight back and that was actually good for me even though I was a little nervous about it after I cooled down, lol. In the end I said I'm basically training a new girl this week to take over that side of my job and hopefully in a week or two my less-than-chirpy phone voice won't be an issue. We got a new girl after last week's near mutiny by Aja (other office minion) and myself. Yay, my life is hopefully getting a lil less stressful by April.

After they all left to go back to their various factory/warehouses around the US, things calmed down. New girl is slow and a little annoying, but I'm a little desperate for her to work out too. Then the NCAA tourney started! Drinking Thursday night and flirting with nice boys at the bar meant a wicked hangover this morning. I was an hour late for work, thankfully my boss is on vacay today, lol.

Matt IMed me in Tuesday to tell me that he was forced into making the phone call... yeah, I called that one. Apparently, she said that if he didn't stick it out with her, she'd seek sole custody. He's been bugging me the last couple days to tell him why I want him to reconcile and what I want as a friend and what I'd want if I was being completely selfish and had everything I wanted. Meh, I finally told him today that I wasn't ever gonna get around to answering because it was a waste of time in my head. I have been jerked around too much and somehow after my soap cry and tears thinking of everything in bed Sunday night, I moved on in a way. I killed it and moved him into a friends at best category. Odd to just move those feelings and to even be able to fathom a future together anymore. He's convinced that he needs to just take his chances and get the divorce that he's been asking for for the last year and a half. Whatever, I told him I was kinda ok and almost happy with him in a friends category, just don't think I'd ever wanna be in a relationship with someone I'd be wondering about months and years from now when I get boring.

1 comment:

  1. I meant to comment on this before (stupid phone). I'm awfully glad you're feeling a little bit better. I know you don't believe it now, but he's not worth the stress.

    Thinking about you,
