Mmm, I had fun last weekend and this week. I ended up having lunch with the girls instead of dinner, because one of them had to pack for a Saturday funeral in StL and I had a potential blind date with one of Chad's friends. So I drive to the restaurant/bar that I am supposed to meet this guy and Chad is there instead. He said he decided against setting this guy up with me and instead had invited 4 other friends to meet here too. So after quite a few drinks and a round of appetizers, my would-be date shows up late and is pissed because Chad never told him not to come. Kinda awkward and hilarious admittedly.
So excessive drinking and two bars later I kept dropping my phone on the bar, so I let out a "Gorram it!" One of Chad's friends asked me what I said and I repeated it and was rewarded with a weird head hug while on the barstool. He knew I quoted Firefly, so we began talking. Meanwhile I am super drunk horny girl texting the hell outta Ty. One embarrassing moment came when I realized I'd finalyy outright propositioned him, only I had somehow managed to switch convos and had texted my co-worker, Aja. Hilarious and embarassing, mostly hilarious.
So I have pretty much gotten Ty to agree that this waiting shit needs to be over and that my drunk ass will find a way to him tonight. I know, not my most shining moment. I wanna get laid soo bad though. Like painfully bad horny even today. Back to the potentially nice boy talking to me at the bar. he's ok, but I am wary, then Chad texts me and tells me that I should not sleep with him because he is a charmer, but then after a bit it's over and he likes this guy and would hate to have to bury him. I think this is slightly hilarious, because normally I'm the dangerous one to any guy, but Chad is sweet and thinks/knows I am maybe fragile in my attachments. So I lay off a bit and we all go back to the apartment and hang out. Eventually people leave and it is just Chad, myself, charmer and the guy who let Chad's gay brother give him an hour calf massage in the hot tub last summer. Chad grabs me to take me to bed and I am ok with this, and we've always had a tense friends relationship, but I'm the one who always says "no" because I am worried I'l have feelings. But horniness wins out and I tell him "no feelings here, just horny". I'm an idiot and don't think until the apt shakes with a slammed door as Charmer leaves.
I kinda liked Charmer, he was nice and well, charming. I gave him my number and that's rare. I mean he knew FireFly quotes.... lol, I'm such an easy nerd. I figure I'm never gonna hear from him and I don't really blame him. I did however get a late night text Sunday as I drove home from a friends Game of Thrones watching. I've talked to him most days this week, although, I put the brakes on yesterday to see what he would do. He waited most of the day and stilll eventually texted me. I know that's dumb and silly, but I like that I'm not the sole person putting in effort even if it's a small thing like that. Downside.... he lives in Columbia, which is over 2 hours away. He'd only come in for the weekend to visit.
Meanwhile, Ty has finally started putting in some real effort and is pushing pretty hard for an evening of drinks or whatever now. I feel a little bad pulling them both along, but not really. I kind want to be slutty and have them both... not forever or even more than a few weeks, but I don't see either really being long-term either.
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