Friday, August 26, 2011

The Elephant in the Room

I named this blog "The Elephant in the Room" because, right now at least, whenever I'm with friends.... everyone knows and no one talks about it. 
You can tell they're curious, but they don't know whether it's OK to ask, or if they should mention anything at all.

I don't even know if I want to talk about it... so this might be a good policy on their part. Sometimes I do want to talk about it, but only with someone who has experienced the same thing. And I mean exactly the same.... who else do you know whose husband cheated on them in Korea? Not the biggest pool of support, especially in my age group. (I'm 27, btw)

Believe it or not though, I found out that it's worse having someone in the room who doesn't know. Because you know what happens? You start getting the 9th degree on where your soon-to-be-ex spouse is. Questions you can't even think about without tearing up a little. There's no graceful way to get out of that conversation either. I found out my solution (apparently) is to be a total b*tch and just not answer questions.

If that particular person ever reads this blog, I apologize. I don't know if I'll ever say sorry to your face, but hopefully you'll understand when, after I left, everyone else at the party explained it to you.   >.<

That's another thing, knowing that you are the hot topic of conversation. Conversation that no one will have with you or even while you're in the room. It makes you want to do crazy things like get trashed and yell at everyone.... don't worry I haven't actually done this, nor do I plan on doing it. But it's a fun fantasy.


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