So what've I been doing to keep busy?
- I started work finally last week! I can't say it's the best job in the world (I imagine the best job is test driving race cars to make sure they're awesome or something), but it's definitely something I don't mind doing.
- I'm really really proud of my ability to use public transportation to get to work. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I've never ridden the bus before (minus Korea!), it's not as bad as you'd think, though I much prefer Chicago's system of Elevated Trains to the bus any day.
- I'm still unpacking! Egad (yes, egad), At this rate I'll never be done. There are boxes piled in the movie room and a half assembled bed and desk. >.<
- I went to Charlotte, NC over labor day weekend to see friends. That was a lot of fun!
- Happy hours with friends. A lot of Happy Hours. :D (They say drinking won't solve anything, but I'll tell you what, it can make you feel a lot better for a short period of time!)
- Big Bang marathon with friends (where they feed me... yay!!)
- Ghost Whisperer marathon with BFF (no food, but still yay!)
- Dating! Well, besides the guy below I've been texting with another guy who I'm hoping to meet this week.
What I want to do in the near future:
- I just tried out the YMCA at lunch time today. I think I can handle exercising every day. Especially if I like a class or two.
- See more of my friends that live around the country. Travelling to Rochester, St. Louis, Colorado, New Orleans, apparently Cincinnati (that's this weekend, for Octoberfest!), back to college for homecoming (that's next month).
- Take a fun community college class. Maybe wine tasting, or cooking, or some other craftiness.
- Finish unpacking. Someday this will be done, someday
- Sign up to start taking classes towards my masters. I'm thinking Duquesne University. I'll be getting my MBA, so Duquesne has the same accreditation as Harvard... and it's in my budget. Best of both worlds!
- Go Horsie riding (yes horsie!! When you only do it a couple times a year it's horsie riding!).
- Dating! I can't wait to meet more people. I'll probably hold off on the sex a little longer this time though. ;)
Yes, come to St Louis! We miss you!