I realized recently, that eventually I'm going to meet a guy who will want to discuss "serious topics". Not just how much we both like to play video games, snowboard, and laugh at stupid stuff.
What do I mean by "serious topics"? My stance on abortion, who I'm going to vote for and why, my religious beliefs, gay marriage, racism, feminism, raising children, welfare, marijuana legalization, and gun control. Intense, serious topics.
Here's something I realized, I don't really know exactly where I stand on a lot of these topics. Last night I had dreams about it and I've been thinking about it all morning and realizing I have beliefs, rationalizations and strong feelings on these topics... I just don't have logical reasons prepared for discussion.
I know I feel something, but why do I feel that way?
So in an effort to sort out my thoughts and beliefs, here's a list of what I believe and why. Feel free to comment and argue. I figure it will be good practice.
While I personally don't think I could or would abort a baby from my body. I don't think Abortion should be illegal. Why? Because abortion is as old as time, and if it's not legal, people will still do it, only dangerously, in back alleys. And I can't stand the thought of a 14 year old girl bleeding to death in a back alley because she panicked and tried to get an illegal abortion. I think girls should get counseling, understanding and help and maybe they'll calm down and see that there are other ways, but if they still want an abortion it should be legal for them to do so. And Christian protesters? You're not helping. Your protests make girls feel guilty, panicked, trapped, depressed in an already bad situation. This doesn't help the decision making process. If you want less (less, because you're not going to get rid of them entirely) abortions, make it so a girl would feel comfortable talking with you about her situation. Not like she's going to get persecuted for even thinking about it. Anger begets anger, and compassion and sympathy are much more likely to lead to a compassionate solution.
Who I Would Vote For if I Could
Well, first, Morgan Freeman, because I would believe anything he told me in that voice of his. Soooo soothing. But if I was going to vote for a real candidate... I really like Gary Johnson. He is just about perfect for me. Why? He actually has a legit financial plan, as opposed to just saying the government needs to spend less. He actually names what should be cut and reduced.
Check it out. He believes in American's owning guns, he believes in making marijuana legal and taxing the heck out of it, he believes in a free internet. He's very middle of the road. Which means he won't even be on the ticket. So.... someone who will probably be on the ticket? Probably Ron Paul... goddamn it all to heck. Even though I feel like he doesn't actually have any idea how to fix the economy (I feel like someone with business experience should be in office, really, a former CFO would be best in my mind), and I really hate his extreme view on abortion and feel like he would also strongly disagree with a lot of my other views.... maybe I just won't vote at all this time around. That leads me to the next topic.
I feel like this is a major privilege of being an american, and I try to exercise it. I feel like if you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain. This being said, I feel like my vote counts for nothing because of the electoral college. Outmoded and Outdated. I'm for abolishing it.
My Religious Beliefs
I believe in God. Or at least an omnipotent power that is all goodness, beauty and magic in the world. This doesn't mean I believe in a church or even the bible. I think Jesus was a righteous dude, but I have a hard time believing the God I believe in would require his only son as sacrifice. I was raised Catholic and still find comfort in the ritual of Mass. That doesn't mean I support or endorse the teachings of the Catholic church. :::Things to think about when arguing with me that I have to support a church to believe in God. Did you know the Catholic church used to condemn women if they died within 33 days of giving birth to a boy and 66 days of giving birth to a girl, saying they were too "dirty" to enter heaven? Did you know they used to regulate the size of stick you could beat your wife with, the "rule of thumb"?::: That being said, I
believe in evolution and all that science can prove to me, because I was created to think and problem solve and expand and grow. I believe that one day humans will find enlightenment. And while it seems everyday that there's more and more cause to fear the Zombie Apocalypse, I'm an optimist and I think the human race will push through, smaller than before but with greater insight and wisdom.
Separation of Church and State
This great country was founded on religious freedom. And saying that we are a "Christian Country" and that we should pray in schools is repugnant to me. If it is a public school, no child should be forced into prayer, or feel cast-out if they don't participate. Same goes for things like putting "In God We Trust" on our money (This didn't happen until 1956, btw), and forcing our religious beliefs into laws, like marriage, abortion, prohibition (ummm, yeah, that's what that was), and old fashioned morality laws (laws still on the books, for example, that say more than 4 women living together is a brothel, so students on campus can't have sorority houses, but they can have fraternity houses..... oooh that almost makes me want to go onto my rant about feminism already). People always think this is protecting Muslims or some other group whose religion they don't understand or agree with. But what about Jews, or people that don't believe in God at all? Or people that just feel uncomfortable with your type of prayer? I know as a Catholic child, I was always horribly uncomfortable with the holding hands type of prayer, and this always seemed the type that happened at school.
I honestly don't care if this is legal. Go ahead. Make sure there are age limits and required health checks.Tax the heck out of it. I feel like this might cut down on child prostitution and slavery. Why is it illegal in the first place? Because we find it morally wrong? Against the bible maybe? Oldest profession, it's not going away. Might as well regulate it to make it safer.
Gay Marriage
I believe that gay folks should be able to legally marry. Churches have every right to dictate that they can't get married in the church, but they don't have a right to dictate what tax breaks the government gives and religious beliefs shouldn't be involved in the discussion. See
Separation of Church and State above.
Joking about stereotypes and racism is as long as it's with a view towards the ridiculousness of them. Stereotypes are founded on truth but it's not ok to assume that everyone will live up to a stereotype. My least favorite stereotype that keeps proving true? Bad women drivers. **Women: Why do you keep proving the men in my life right? Why is it whenever a driver does something stupid enough that I get all riled up, it's a woman?!? Quit it!! You're ruining it for the rest of us decent lady drivers.** I feel that this sentiment should be shared by anyone who is the victim of a stereotype too. Anger at the person applying the stereotype to you is justified, but you have to look around and be pissed at the people perpetuating it too. Either stance is not cool and not fair.
I believe females can do anything a man can. And that includes having upper body strength if I wanted to work for it. I don't. Just because I choose not to be able to lift 50lb boxes and ask for help instead doesn't mean there aren't women out there who can lift 50lbs and don't need a man, thank you very much. Just because I like being feminine and girly doesn't mean I can't be intelligent, commanding, and make dirty jokes. I don't have to choose one way or the other, I can be who I want to be and expect to be treated like I act, not for what my genitals are.
Raising Children
I will want to raise children someday. I will also want to work. I believe that discipline and limits teaches a child you care along with hugs and love, and too much in either direction is bad for them. I want to give my child every advantage, while not pushing so hard that I burn out any potential or creativity (this might be expensive). I believe the sciences and reading books are very important. So I plan on reading to my children and going to science museums and doing science projects at home just because they're cool. I also believe extra-curricular activities are important, but not so important that they need to occur every day of the week. Nor does my child have to succeed and be a "winner" if they're involved in sports. I believe kids should go outside and play, but that video games aren't "bad" for you and have their own place in play time. I believe in dreams, fairy tales and Santa Claus. I love Christmas and I will probably want to do things like Family Board Game Night. I also will still want to go to parties and dress up, I feel like a husband and wife going on a date is good for children. It reinforces that their parents love each other, want to spend time with each other and are people too. I also believe there's a limit on age when kids can still come to adult parties. It's about the time they're able to talk. At that point, there should be a babysitter obtained.
It started out as a great, humanitarian idea. It was never meant to be a career option. I feel like it should be regulated and cut a hell of a lot more. I hate that the money I work for is taxed so others don't have to work. I don't mind helping temporary situations, but long term welfare is something I hate.
Marijuana Legalization
I feel that Marijuana should be as legal as alcohol. I feel that making it illegal has increased crime and costs to the state and federal government. I feel that it monetarily supports gangs and other illegal activities just because it is illegal. Make it legal and tax the bejeebus out of it. I also feel like drug tests should be refined to be able to tell if I'm high at work or not. Not just did you smoke in the last week. I feel like it's not fair to punish someone for their out of work activities as long as it doesn't affect their work. Saying this, I've never smoked pot and I won't get to until I retire because I've worked jobs where I got drug tested ever since I started working at 16.
Gun Control
I believe in my right to own and carry guns. I don't think the government, any government, should be the only one with the guns. It's my right as an american to be able to form a rebellion if I want to, and I wouldn't be able to do that if only the government had guns. Not only that, but it goes with the other legalization arguments above. Guess who would be selling and financially supporting their illegal operations with gun sales if guns were made illegal? And guess who would then own guns and who wouldn't? Not only that, I need my guns in case of a Zombie Apocalypse...
I have the hardest time articulating my thoughts on intense subjects like these. Hopefully, I'll be able to remember what I wrote when it comes to discussing any of these topics in the future. But probably not, it's like my brain just freezes when topics like these come up.... But it can't hurt to try! If I think of any other topics that I feel strongly about, I'll probably just edit this entry. So this one has the potential to become excessively long as I sort through my feelings and decide what I feel versus what I felt when I was with the Ex-husband. I apologize.