Friday, December 23, 2011

Let the countdown begin....

I probably could have started the countdown much sooner, but it just occurred to me recently how close it was getting.

Play free web games.

I put a question mark because I don't know when the divorce will actually be final. But that's when I plan on turning in the paperwork!

I had a nightmare last night (among others that I don't remember...), that I forgot to turn in the paperwork on January 5th and they wouldn't let me on January 6th! Which is ridiculous because you just have to turn in the paperwork after 90 days, not on 90 days....

So after I turn in the paperwork, it will just be a week or two before I get confirmation, and I think a certificate in the mail, of all my divorced official-ness!

Will boy2 ask me to be his girlfriend after I'm officially divorced? Do I want him to? At least part of me does.... The other part is saying no way  José ! At least not if he wants things to continue as is. If he wants me to see him exclusively, I would want to see him more than once or twice a week.... If he doesn't want to see me more then he shouldn't ask me to be exclusive.

On another note, looks like I'll be seeing bar guy sometime after Christmas... as well as another guy I met on OKCupid. Awesome. :)

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