Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Recently, I discovered that other people are sometimes worried about being perceived as psycho, just like me!

I really thought I was the only one. I thought the "normal" people just wouldn't worry about it. And the truly crazy people would just ignore it. And there would be a small percentage of us slightly damaged folks who were temporarily petrified of letting the crazy take over.

Btw, I've sometimes thought it would be nice to let the crazy just take over, but I continue to hold it off with the thought that if I let it take over once, it might never let me take myself back. So I continue to hold out against it in a seemingly never ending struggle. Someday, Crazy, someday victory will be mine!

It's a relief to hear other people almost as concerned as I am about keeping the crazy in check.

Talking to a good friend (who will remain anonymous), over a couple drinks.... ok a lot of drinks, she expressed her concerns as to whether or not she was normal. She also expressed a desire to write/blog about it. Even more drinks later and some encouragement and voila! A new blog is born. So I'm going to plug her blog now. Even though it's brand new, I'm sure it will be great. :) The Exception or the Rule?

There was also a semi-serious conversation with the BFF in the kitchen a couple days ago, about how she's always reining in the jealousy. Now I thought she meant over the boyfriend she doesn't call a boyfriend (and she does, but that's not it), what she really meant was over everyone. I knew she had been getting jealous about another couple friends of hers spending a lot of time together and not enough with her... ok I've had these moments, I know where she's coming from. But she meant that, and apparently other people talking to me at the bar besides her. lol.

God, I love you girl. Your reluctance to join into group outings now makes even more sense, on top of your old lady tendencies! Don't worry, we'll reserve me and BFF only time in the future.

Anyway, we had an interesting conversation after that about how she's always trying to hide how jealous she gets of her friends and the boy she refuses to call a boyfriend. Good news, hun, I never would've guessed. :)

Is it strange that I find comfort in other people's deep seeded issues? That I feel more normal, more stable, just knowing other people out there have their moments too? (I'm pretty sure this is why boy1 is still so appealing to me, I'll never be as messed up as he is.) I know I feel guilty rejoicing in their stress and anxiety. But not guilty enough to stop. So fill me up with your stress and misery stories, they make me feel good!

Oh God that's weird. Back to stressing out about my own crazies again.


  1. I definitely feel like I'll be perceived as psychotic sometimes. It doesn't help when the person on the other end of the conversation tells you to "chill out" or something similar. Even if he (because isn't it always men who make us feel this way?) doesn't mean anything by it, I automatically start in on myself in my own head. It's the nature of women. If men really knew what was going on in our minds, they'd probably all try and switch teams.

    (I get jealous when my friends go out and do things without me. You are in good company.)
