Saturday, March 3, 2012

Feelings Post-Dirtbag

I hate him. Not a little anymore. I stopped talking to him upon milking the last details from him Friday morning. I had to, because I knew it was dangerous for me to even read his messages. He could still twist a sympathetic feeling from me that he was hurting. Sadly saying that unless he hears different he's gonna assume that I don't wanna go to cakefest with him Sunday. Damn straight I don't, I found someone to go with me at 1am the night/morning before.

Who cheats on their wife just because she was having lunches with someone he doesn't know? Sounds unstable and jealous and how did I never see those traits? I'm thinking because our relationship in which we had soo much in common might have been a lie too. I hate being lied to and cheated on... ok, I understand how that sounded, like who does, right? I'm the girl who doesn't even flirt with someone who is dating someone else, much less married. I won't date anyone who cheated on someone they were in a relationship with either.

I hate him for making me a home-wrecker. I'm the girl I hate in these things. And now I'm the girl who hugs my cat and cries and I'm not sure that's good either. Dirtbag is playing both sides still, or was an hour ago. I hope she destroys him and shows no mercy. I hope she doesn't let him twist words and convince her of anything. I hope she takes that little girl as far from that horrible role-model as possible.

Now I have to be pretty and normal and go to my cousin's bridal shower, where everyone will ask when I'm next, because they all love him. I don't think I can tell them the truth and I don't know how I can smile either.

1 comment:

  1. I understand the not being able to talk about it in a crowded room. See one of my first posts explaining the title of this blog. That had to suck hard core sweetheart.

    But you are NOT a home-wrecker, he is. You didn't know. He cheated on you too by lying about this.

    And it's ok to hug your kitty and cry. That's what they're there for.
